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The datastructures module contains all classes that other modules use.

The datastructures module contains all high level abstractions representing the aspects of a study. These structures include all abstracts that define interfaces objects should adhere to and other classes representing the package wide concepts of a Study, Environment, and Parameter generation.


Bases: Graph

A directed acyclic graph (DAG) data structure.

The implementation of this DAG uses an adjacency map with a map to index the values (or objects) at each node.

Source code in maestrowf/datastructures/
class DAG(Graph):
    A directed acyclic graph (DAG) data structure.

    The implementation of this DAG uses an adjacency map with a map to
    index the values (or objects) at each node.

    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize the DAG data structure internals."""
        self.adjacency_table = OrderedDict()
        self.values = OrderedDict()

    def add_node(self, name, obj):
        Add node 'name' to the DAG.

        :param name: String identifier of the node.
        :param obj: An object representing the value of the node.
        logging.debug("Adding %s...", name)
        if name in self.values:
            logger.warning("Node %s already exists. Returning.",

        logger.debug("Node %s added. Value is of type %s.", name, type(obj))
        self.values[name] = obj
        self.adjacency_table[name] = []

    def add_edge(self, src, dest):
        Add an edge to the DAG if edge (src, dest) is a valid edge.

        :param src: Source vertex name.
        :param dest: Destination vertex name.
        # Disallow loops to the same node.
        if src == dest:
            msg = "Cannot add self referring cycle edge ({}, {})" \
                  .format(src, dest)

        # Disallow adding edges to the graph before nodes are added.
        error = "Attempted to create edge ({src}, {dest}), but node {node}" \
                " does not exist."
        if src not in self.adjacency_table:
            error = error.format(src=src, dest=dest, node=src)
            raise ValueError(error)

        if dest not in self.adjacency_table:
            logger.error(error, src, dest, dest)

        if dest in self.adjacency_table[src]:
            logger.debug("Edge (%s, %s) already in DAG. Returning.", src, dest)

        # If dest is not already and edge from src, add it.
        logging.debug("Edge (%s, %s) added.", src, dest)

        # Check to make sure we've not created a cycle.
        if self.detect_cycle():
            msg = "Adding edge ({}, {}) crates a cycle.".format(src, dest)
            raise Exception(msg)

    def remove_edge(self, src, dest):
        Remove edge (src, dest) from the DAG.

        :param src: Source vertex name.
        :param dest: Destination vertex name.
        if src not in self.adjacency_table:
            logger.warning("Attempted to remove an edge (%s, %s), but %s"
                           " does not exist.", src, dest, src)

        if dest not in self.adjacency_table:
            logger.warning("Attempted to remove an edge from (%s, %s), but %s"
                           " does not exist.", src, dest, dest)

        logging.debug("Removing edge (%s, %s).", src, dest)

    def dfs_subtree(self, src, par=None):
        Create a subtree of the DAG starting at src in DFS order.

        :param src: Source node name to begin search.
        :param par: Name of parent node to the specified source node.
        :returns: A list representing the path taken by DFS.
        :returns: A dictionary containing a mapping from node to parent node.
        path = [src]
        parent = {src: par}
        for node in self.adjacency_table[src]:
            parent[node] = src
            subpath, children = self.dfs_subtree(node, src)
            path = path + subpath

        return path, parent

    def bfs_subtree(self, src):
        Create a subtree of the DAG starting at src in BFS order.

        :param src: Source node name to begin search.
        :returns: A list representing the path taken by BFS.
        :returns: A dictionary containing a mapping from node to parent node.
        queue = deque([src])
        path = [src]
        parent = {src: None}

        while queue:
            root = queue.popleft()
            for node in self.adjacency_table[root]:
                if node in path:

                parent[node] = root

        return path, parent

    def _topological_sort(self, v, visited, stack):
        Recur through the nodes to perform a toplogical sort.

        :param v: The vertex previously visited.
        :param visited: A dict of visited statuses.
        :param stack: The current stack of vertices that have been sorted.
        :returns: A list of the DAG's nodes in topologically sorted order.
        # Mark the node as visited.
        visited[v] = True

        # Recur through the children, visiting children who have not yet been
        # visited.
        for e in self.adjacency_table[v]:
            if not visited[e]:
                self._topological_sort(e, visited, stack)

        # Prepend v to the front of the list.

    def topological_sort(self):
        Perform a topological ordering of the vertices in the DAG.

        :returns: A list of the vertices sorted in topological order.
        v_stack = deque()
        v_visited = {key: False for key in self.values.keys()}

        for v in self.values:
            if not v_visited[v]:
                self._topological_sort(v, v_visited, v_stack)

        return list(v_stack)

    def detect_cycle(self):
        """Detect if the DAG contains a cycle."""
        visited = set()
        rstack = set()
        for v in self.values:
            if v not in visited:
                logging.debug("Visting '%s'...", v)
                if self._detect_cycle(v, visited, rstack):
                    logging.debug("Cycle detected. Origin = '%s'", v)
                    return True
        logger.debug("No cycles found -- returning.")
        return False

    def _detect_cycle(self, v, visited, rstack):
        Recurse through nodes testing for loops.

        :param v: Name of source vertex to search from.
        :param visited: Set of the nodes we've visited so far.
        :param rstack: Set of nodes currently on the path.

        for c in self.adjacency_table[v]:
            if c not in visited:
                logging.debug("Visting node '%s' from '%s'.", c, v)
                if self._detect_cycle(c, visited, rstack):
                    logger.debug("Cycle detected --\n"
                                 "rstack = %s\n"
                                 "visited = %s",
                                 rstack, visited)
                    return True
            elif c in rstack:
                logger.debug("Cycle detected ('%s' in rstack)--\n"
                             "rstack = %s\n"
                             "visited = %s",
                             c, rstack, visited)
                return True
        logger.debug("No cycle originating from '%s'", v)
        return False


Initialize the DAG data structure internals.

Source code in maestrowf/datastructures/
def __init__(self):
    """Initialize the DAG data structure internals."""
    self.adjacency_table = OrderedDict()
    self.values = OrderedDict()

add_edge(src, dest)

Add an edge to the DAG if edge (src, dest) is a valid edge.


Name Type Description Default

Source vertex name.


Destination vertex name.

Source code in maestrowf/datastructures/
def add_edge(self, src, dest):
    Add an edge to the DAG if edge (src, dest) is a valid edge.

    :param src: Source vertex name.
    :param dest: Destination vertex name.
    # Disallow loops to the same node.
    if src == dest:
        msg = "Cannot add self referring cycle edge ({}, {})" \
              .format(src, dest)

    # Disallow adding edges to the graph before nodes are added.
    error = "Attempted to create edge ({src}, {dest}), but node {node}" \
            " does not exist."
    if src not in self.adjacency_table:
        error = error.format(src=src, dest=dest, node=src)
        raise ValueError(error)

    if dest not in self.adjacency_table:
        logger.error(error, src, dest, dest)

    if dest in self.adjacency_table[src]:
        logger.debug("Edge (%s, %s) already in DAG. Returning.", src, dest)

    # If dest is not already and edge from src, add it.
    logging.debug("Edge (%s, %s) added.", src, dest)

    # Check to make sure we've not created a cycle.
    if self.detect_cycle():
        msg = "Adding edge ({}, {}) crates a cycle.".format(src, dest)
        raise Exception(msg)

add_node(name, obj)

Add node 'name' to the DAG.


Name Type Description Default

String identifier of the node.


An object representing the value of the node.

Source code in maestrowf/datastructures/
def add_node(self, name, obj):
    Add node 'name' to the DAG.

    :param name: String identifier of the node.
    :param obj: An object representing the value of the node.
    logging.debug("Adding %s...", name)
    if name in self.values:
        logger.warning("Node %s already exists. Returning.",

    logger.debug("Node %s added. Value is of type %s.", name, type(obj))
    self.values[name] = obj
    self.adjacency_table[name] = []


Create a subtree of the DAG starting at src in BFS order.


Name Type Description Default

Source node name to begin search.



Type Description

A dictionary containing a mapping from node to parent node.

Source code in maestrowf/datastructures/
def bfs_subtree(self, src):
    Create a subtree of the DAG starting at src in BFS order.

    :param src: Source node name to begin search.
    :returns: A list representing the path taken by BFS.
    :returns: A dictionary containing a mapping from node to parent node.
    queue = deque([src])
    path = [src]
    parent = {src: None}

    while queue:
        root = queue.popleft()
        for node in self.adjacency_table[root]:
            if node in path:

            parent[node] = root

    return path, parent


Detect if the DAG contains a cycle.

Source code in maestrowf/datastructures/
def detect_cycle(self):
    """Detect if the DAG contains a cycle."""
    visited = set()
    rstack = set()
    for v in self.values:
        if v not in visited:
            logging.debug("Visting '%s'...", v)
            if self._detect_cycle(v, visited, rstack):
                logging.debug("Cycle detected. Origin = '%s'", v)
                return True
    logger.debug("No cycles found -- returning.")
    return False

dfs_subtree(src, par=None)

Create a subtree of the DAG starting at src in DFS order.


Name Type Description Default

Source node name to begin search.


Name of parent node to the specified source node.



Type Description

A dictionary containing a mapping from node to parent node.

Source code in maestrowf/datastructures/
def dfs_subtree(self, src, par=None):
    Create a subtree of the DAG starting at src in DFS order.

    :param src: Source node name to begin search.
    :param par: Name of parent node to the specified source node.
    :returns: A list representing the path taken by DFS.
    :returns: A dictionary containing a mapping from node to parent node.
    path = [src]
    parent = {src: par}
    for node in self.adjacency_table[src]:
        parent[node] = src
        subpath, children = self.dfs_subtree(node, src)
        path = path + subpath

    return path, parent

remove_edge(src, dest)

Remove edge (src, dest) from the DAG.


Name Type Description Default

Source vertex name.


Destination vertex name.

Source code in maestrowf/datastructures/
def remove_edge(self, src, dest):
    Remove edge (src, dest) from the DAG.

    :param src: Source vertex name.
    :param dest: Destination vertex name.
    if src not in self.adjacency_table:
        logger.warning("Attempted to remove an edge (%s, %s), but %s"
                       " does not exist.", src, dest, src)

    if dest not in self.adjacency_table:
        logger.warning("Attempted to remove an edge from (%s, %s), but %s"
                       " does not exist.", src, dest, dest)

    logging.debug("Removing edge (%s, %s).", src, dest)


Perform a topological ordering of the vertices in the DAG.


Type Description

A list of the vertices sorted in topological order.

Source code in maestrowf/datastructures/
def topological_sort(self):
    Perform a topological ordering of the vertices in the DAG.

    :returns: A list of the vertices sorted in topological order.
    v_stack = deque()
    v_visited = {key: False for key in self.values.keys()}

    for v in self.values:
        if not v_visited[v]:
            self._topological_sort(v, v_visited, v_stack)

    return list(v_stack)