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Command Line Interface

Installing Maestro will add two entry points/console scripts that are used for running, creating, and interacting with studies:

  • maestro

    This is the primary user interface for creating, launching, and monitoring studies.

  • conductor

    This is the background process that Maestro launches which does the actual orchestration and running of the studies and lives until the study execution is complete.


The Maestro Workflow Conductor for specifying, launching, and managing general workflows.




Name Type Description Default
-h, --help boolean Show this help message and exit. False
-l, --logpath filename Alternate path to store program logging. <study_name>.log
-d, --debug_lvl choice (1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5) Level of logging messages to be output. Smaller choice produces more output.
Choice Max Debug Level
5 Critical
4 Error
3 Warning
2 Info (Default)
1 Debug
2 (Info)
-c, --logstdout boolean Log to stdout in addition to a file. NOTE: This only controls immediate output from maestro during the setup phase. Once conductor is launched and the study is running this log info goes to file only if not running in the foreground True
-v, --version boolean Show program's version number and exit. False


  • cancel: Cancel all running jobs.
  • run: Launch a study based on a specification
  • status: Check the status of a running study.


Cancel all running jobs in every given study directory.


maestro cancel [OPTIONS] DIRECTORY [DIRECTORY ...]


Name Type Description Default
-h, --help boolean Show this help message and exit. False


Entry point for launching a study described in a YAML based study specification




Name Type Description Default
-h, --help boolean Show this help message and exit. False
-a, --attempts integer Maximum number of submission attempts before a step is marked failed. 1
-r, --rlimit integer Maximum number of restarts allowed when steps specify a restart command. (0 denotes no limit) 1
-t, --throttle integer Maximum number of inflight jobs allowed to execute simultaneously (0 denotes not throttling) 0
-s, --sleeptime integer Amount of time (in seconds) for the manager to wait between job status checks. 60
--dry boolean Generate the directory structure and scripts for a study but do not launch it. False
-p, --pgen filename/path Path to a Python code file containing a function that returns a custom filled ParameterGenerator instance. None
--pargs string A string that represents a single argument to pass a custom parameter generation function. Reuse '--parg' to pass multiple arguments. [Use with '--pgen'] None
-o, --out path Output path to place study in. [NOTE: overrides OUTPUT_PATH in the specified specification] "<study name>_timestamp"
-fg boolean Runs the backend conductor in the foreground instead of using nohup. False
--hashws boolean Enable hashing of subdirectories in parameterized studies (NOTE: breaks commands that use parameter labels to search directories). False
-n, --autono boolean Automatically answer no to input prompts. False
-y, --autoyes boolean Automatically answer yes to input prompts. False
--usetmp boolean Make use of a temporary directory for dumping scripts and other Maestro related files. False


Check the status of each given running or completed study.


maestro status [OPTIONS] DIRECTORY [DIRECTORY ...]


Name Type Description Default
-h, --help boolean Show this help message and exit. False
--layout choice (flat | legacy | narrow) Alternate status table layouts. See Status Layouts for description of these options flat
--disable-theme boolean Turn off styling for the status layout. See Status Theme for more information on this option. False
--disable-pager boolean Turn off the pager for the status display. See Status Pager for more information on this option. False


A application for checking and managing and ExecutionDAG within an executing study.




Name Type Description Default
-h, --help boolean Show this help message and exit. False
-s, --status path Check the status of the ExecutionGraph located as specified by the 'directory' argument. None
-l, --logpath filename Alternate path to store program logging. <study_name>.log
-d, --debug_lvl choice (1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5) Level of logging messages to be output. Smaller choice produces more output.
Choice Max Debug Level
5 Critical
4 Error
3 Warning
2 Info (Default)
1 Debug
2 (Info)
-c, --logstdout boolean Log to stdout in addition to a file. NOTE: This only controls immediate output from maestro during the setup phase. Once conductor is launched and the study is running this log info goes to file only if not running in the foreground True
-s, --sleeptime integer Amount of time (in seconds) for the manager to wait between job status checks. 60