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Collection of custom adapters for interfacing with various systems.


Bases: object

Factory for constructing specific script adapter objects. Uses iter_adapters to find all concrete implementations of ScriptAdapter.

Source code in maestrowf/interfaces/
class ScriptAdapterFactory(object):
    Factory for constructing specific script adapter objects.  Uses
    iter_adapters to find all concrete implementations of ScriptAdapter.
    factories = {
       adapter.key: adapter for adapter in iter_adapters()

    def get_adapter(cls, adapter_id):
        if adapter_id.lower() not in cls.factories:
            msg = "Adapter '{0}' not found. Specify an adapter that exists " \
                  "or implement a new one mapping to the '{0}'" \
            raise Exception(msg)

        return cls.factories[adapter_id]

    def get_valid_adapters(cls):
        return cls.factories.keys()


Based off of loop over a namespace and find the modules. This has been adapted for this particular use case of loading all classes implementing ScriptAdapter loaded from all modules in maestrowf.interfaces.script.


Type Description

an iterable of the classes existing in the namespace

Source code in maestrowf/interfaces/
def iter_adapters():
    Based off of loop over a namespace and find the
    modules. This has been adapted for this particular use case of loading
    all classes implementing ScriptAdapter loaded from all modules in
    :return: an iterable of the classes existing in the namespace
    # get loader for the script adapter package
    loader = pkgutil.get_loader('maestrowf.interfaces.script')
    # get all of the modules in the package
    mods = [(name, ispkg) for finder, name, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules(
            loader.load_module('maestrowf.interfaces.script').__name__ + ".")]
    cs = []
    for name, _ in mods:
        # get loader for every module
        m = pkgutil.get_loader(name).load_module(name)
        # get all classes that implement ScriptAdapter and are not abstract
        for n, cls in m.__dict__.items():
            if isinstance(cls, type) and issubclass(cls, ScriptAdapter) and \
                    not inspect.isabstract(cls):

    return cs